Proven 5-Year Track Record — SBIG and our local team of professionals and volunteers in Ghana have now completed four computer labs and libraries serving over 2,100 children in Ghana: at the Baptist School Complex and Orphanage (BASCO) in 2008, Good Shepherd Orphanage (GSO) in 2009, New Life International Children’s Home in 2010, and My Father’s House (IMFH) in 2011.
Limited Overhead — We have all volunteer staffing in the U.S. with very low expenses that enable SBIG to efficiently pass through donations to benefit students in Africa.
Local African Presence — We have established a team of professionals and volunteers in Ghana to help oversee the due diligence process, the implementation of SBIG initiatives, and the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of SBIG-supported schools.
Tailored Approach to Providing Technology — We require a detailed Needs Assessment to understand each prospective orphanage/school’s needs and the resources required to have an effective computer lab and library.
Active Student Involvement — We encourage the active involvement of current and former students from schools such as Delbarton School and University of Notre Dame in the United States and the Ghana International School in Ghana. We welcome the opportunity to work with other schools through fundraising activities, book drives, annual trips, and internship and teaching opportunities at SBIG-supported orphanages in Ghana.
Collaboration with Technology Providers/Partners — We seek opportunities for collaboration with leading providers of required technology such as Inveneo for low-voltage computers and TechAide, Inc. for installation, monitoring and evaluation services in Ghana.
Oversight — We have a diverse set of trustees and members representing the private commercial and non-profit sectors, students and their parents, and U.S. and overseas-based partners who provide oversight to SBIG’s efforts.